

Trust in Lord.

Believe and rely on the existence of Holy Spirit in my life as my supervisor and counsellor.

Not to depend on my own strength and knowledge but God’s ultimate and super natural love and strength from above.

God will never deal with what you like or dislike but deal with what is necessary and benefit to you. It caused painfulness sometimes but it is a beautiful pain because this replaces you in God’s perfect will and this worth the pain that you have to endure. – RL.

Sometimes the burden should pass the test of time. This is like a process that you getting the diamond out of the stones, moulding a clay pot. In the testing of time, I will stand and grow in God’s love and word. I believe one day when God shows me His Green Light in His timing, I will go out and shine for God.

God has unlimited love and forgiveness and always readied to change me.

I have a significant identity in God. I am not normal in Him. He made me to be special and dare for Him. I am going to be someone Great for God, to influence and to bring the Good News where people’ hearts are weary and crying for a sense of comfort and belonging.


